Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tell the Farm Bureau to Climb Out of the Conservatard Gutter

The Kentucky Farm Bureau's insurance company is above reproach: it provides coverage to remote rural property no other company will insure, and its service is excellent.

But its policies and politics could not possibly be worse. They've been getting away with supporting and funding the most regressive, hateful, conservatard laws and programs in the Commonwealth, and it's long past time to stop them.


Members of the ACLU-KY, Jefferson County Teachers Association, Fairness Campaign, and Louisville Metro Councilwoman Attica Scott joined in a protest yesterday of the Kentucky Farm Bureau's discriminatory policies, which are anti-LGBT, anti-union, anti-choice, and pro-death penalty, among others. You can download a petition listing their policies by clicking here. You can also visit the Fairness Campaign's booth in South Wing C of the Kentucky State Fair to sign a petition asking KFB to drop these policies.

The company's discriminatory policies were brought to light in 2004, when Reverend Todd Ekloff was fired from KFB for issuing public statements in support of same-gender marriage. A copy of their policies is sent annually to every elected state official in Kentucky, but not to the nearly 500,000 insurance holders who are automatically enrolled as paying members of the Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation, the company's 501(c)4 lobbying arm.
Many policy holders who enrolled with Kentucky Farm Bureau years ago because there was no alternative may not realize that other companies have expanded their service in Kentucky. You don't have to subsidize KFB's hate any more. 

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