Sunday, August 25, 2013

Christianist Charity at Work

Wipe that smug smile off your face, all you "liberal christians": this is YOUR fault. Your continued clinging to their myth enables and encourages them.

David at Crooks and Liars:
After 60 years of attending a Tennessee church, a family in Collegedale has been exiled because they supported their daughter while she fought for same sex benefits from the town where she worked as a police detective.
These freakazoids make a point of calling out failure to adhere to the literal word of the bible, and punishing those members who fail to repent and change their ways.  They're cruel and stupid, but they're not hypocritical.

The  hypocrites are the "liberal christians" who pretend the bible does not prescribe precisely that freakazoid attitude and behavior.

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