Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Two More Kentucky Kids Dead Because FREEDUMB

We know Mitch McConnell thinks dozens, hundreds, perhaps thousands of dead kids is a small price to pay to ensure every fuckwit redneck can keep his arsenal of assault weapons locked-'n-loaded on the kitchen table.

But what does Alison Lundergan Grimes think? Can her kids get their hands on loaded guns? If not, why does she hate America?

The latest:
A 16-year-old boy died Saturday after accidentally shooting himself outside his home in Springfield.

Austin McBride apparently was cleaning his .22-caliber handgun in preparation for a gun show when it went off, shooting him in the stomach, according to a Washington County sheriff's office report.
And the one from day before yesterday:
Police in Hopkinsville said a 6-year-old girl who was accidentally shot by her younger brother has died.

The Kentucky New Era (http://bit.ly/11Trt8K) reported that the girl was shot in the face Sunday morning. Police Sgt. Mike Platero said the victim's 4-year-old brother had picked up a .38-caliber pistol owned by the children's grandfather, and it discharged.
Does Grimes think these are avoidable tragedies?  If so, will she dare say so publicly and defend her position against Mitch's attacks?

Is she a Democratic candidate or a repug lite? 

1 comment:

  1. You have prompted thought.

    If Grimes has different values and can't be elected because of the difference being discussed, her candidacy does no good.

    All members of the Senate are charged with voting their constituencies; in that respect differences fail to differentiate.

    Everett Dierksen a respected Republican Senator from Illinois (who secured passage of both the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act)admonished all new politicians, " ... to win elections - is your real job ... ".

    Defeating miss mcconnell is hers. Any way she wants to do it is fine with me. As much as I agree with you and respect our differences, a constant barrage of criticism from any source, especially a supportive one, will be politically counter-productive to her candidacy.

    There is no price too great for defeating republi-can'ts in Kentucky.
