Monday, July 1, 2013

Does Grimes Disagree with Mitch on Anything?

Because that's the only real question in this race.

Is there anything - coal jobs, coal regulation, global warming, gun rights, abortion rights, workers' rights, voting rights, gay rights, Obamacare, public education, Wall Street, food stamps, Medicare, permanent war, privatization, income inequality, the minimum wage, labor unions, the president's right to make appointments and whether Paula Deen is a motherfucking racist or just a moron - on which Kentucky Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes does NOT hold the same position as Mitch McConnell?

Because if there is not - if she's going to spend the next 17 months responding to every Mitch outrageous pronouncement with "Me, too!" and every Mitch accusation that she's a dirtyfuckinghippiecommielibmuslinterrist with "Am not!" then this race is a giant waste of time and money.

Kentucky Democratic candidates - or rather the conservadems who pretend to be Democratic candidates - always lose to repugs because they run as repug-lites, not real Democrats.

If the Democratic candidate doesn't stand for Democratic values - doesn't offer a clear choice beyond "I'll use lots of lube while I'm ass-fucking every last working dime out of you to give to the parasitic rich" - why would any Democratic voter with an ounce of sense or self-respect bother to vote?

That's the question - the only question - Alison Lundergan Grimes has to answer.

Give us just one substantive issue on which you hold a position diametrically opposed to Mitch McConnell's.

Otherwise, give up and go home. We don't give a fuck.  

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