Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Incubators Protected By Abortion Restrictions

This is what they mean when they claim they are just protecting "women's health:"
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — The case of a pregnant 11-year old girl who was raped in Chile by her mother’s partner has set off a national debate about abortion in one of the most socially-conservative countries in Latin America.

Chileans were outraged on Friday after state TV reported that the girl is 14 weeks pregnant and was raped repeatedly over two years. Police in the remote southern city of Puerto Montt arrested her mother’s partner, who confessed to abusing the fifth grader. The case was brought to their attention by the pregnant child’s maternal grandmother.

Doctors say the girl’s life and that of the fetus are at high risk. But in Chile, ending the pregnancy is not an option.

Chile allowed abortions for medical reasons until they were outlawed in 1973 by Gen. Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship. The current government of conservative President Sebastian Pinera has opposed any loosening of the prohibition.
This law - and the radical abortion restrictions sweeping state after state in the U.S. - does not protect women, it protects incubators.

For the nth time, outlawing abortion does not stop abortions.  It stops safe abortions. Where abortion is illegal or even just so restricted it's unavailable, women continue to have abortions. Dangerous, deadly abortions. And die from them.

What saves women's lives is free, widely available, safe and legal contraception and free, widely available, safe, legal abortion.

Anything less is a deliberate assault on women's health and women's lives.

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