Sunday, July 7, 2013

Democratic Governor in Red State Shows Guts, Defies Guntards

I'll be damned.  Good on ya, Jay.

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon (D) vetoed legislation Friday that would have annulled federal gun laws in the state and made it a crime for federal agents to enforce decades-old gun laws or for anyone to publish the names of gun owners, the Springfield News-Leader reported.

Nixon outlined how House Bill 436 would have violated the Constitution and the First Amendment in his veto message and accused the legislature of returning to Civil-War-era nullification.

"By seeking to declare certain federal acts null and void, (House Bill 436) seeks to turn the hierarchy of our national framework of laws on its head in clear violation of Article VI of the U.S. Constitution,” Nixon wrote, as quoted by the News-Leader.
 Well, kinda-sorta good.  He also signed a bill that "allows state employees to keep firearms in their vehicles on state property."  What's the over-under on how many days before one of those state employees takes out a few annoying coworkers?

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