Saturday, June 8, 2013

Solar Power for the Coal Giants; Us Peasants Have to Pay for Coal

Remember: the rich corporatists get all the good stuff, and force the shit down our throats.

The coal company will cut its costs with sweet sweet sunlight because it knows full well that we are running out of coal. Digging up horrible lung-killing coal will actually be fueled (PUN TOTALLY INTENDED) by solar power. This would only amuse us more if somehow Coal India could hire Solyndra to manufacture and install the solar panels. We don’t know about you, but we’ll be fapping forevermore to the thought of climate change deniers’ heads exploding, Scanners-style, as they try to figure out how they can still love coal when they hate the thought of solar power SO MUCH.  Our pleasure will reach its apex, so to speak, when we think about how sad they will be to contemplate that one of God’s greatest treasures — an enormous coal company — believes that coal is a finite resource that will go away and therefore we might need stupid granola-head power from sources like solar and wind. And what about the poor Dominionists, who have to be gnashing their teeth at this probably-pagan company acting as if we might run out of Creation Carbon before the Bossman in the Sky gets back? We’ll be busy with this the rest of the afternoon, thanks.

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