Saturday, June 8, 2013

AynRandy Proposes Warrants the Law Already Requires

Classic Teabagger/Repub/Moron response to an outrage: ignore the facts, lie about the problem, propose changes that won't accomplish anything.

From the AP:
Senator Rand Paul has introduced legislation that would require a warrant before any government agency could search the phone records of Americans.

Responding to the furor over the disclosure of the National Security Agency program, Paul says the bill introduced Friday is intended to stop the NSA from spying on U.S. citizens.

Read more here:
What the Tribble-Toupeed One doesn't understand: FISA - the federal law covering national security intelligence gathering - already requires warrants. Verizon turned over its customer records after receiving a FISA court warrant.

But a pointless bill gets him on the front pages, excites the libertarian rubes and will play well in Iowa and New Hampshire in 2016, and that's all he cares about.

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