Sunday, May 5, 2013

No Lawsuit Necessary: KY Principal Cancels Graduation Prayer

Holy crap who put the Reason, Freedom and Constitution juice in the Lincoln County School Board water fountains?

From the AP:
A central Kentucky principal says student-led prayer won't be part of the school's graduation ceremony later this month.

Principal Tim Godbey told The Advocate-Messenger that the decision stems from six students objecting to prayers being said at the May 24 commencement ceremony.

Graduating senior Bradley Chester is an atheist and says another person's religion shouldn't be forced on him.

"This is a place for school not a church. I feel like I'm graduating from Lincoln County High, not Lincoln County church," he said.
Here's the amazingly fabulous part: Board of Education member Theresa Long supports prayer but has a grasp of the Separation of Church and State. (It's the Constitution, not a law, but the principle stands.)
"I am here to set the story straight about this situation," Long wrote. "There is a law mandated by the federal government that we cannot pray or force prayer on anyone! The students have voted each year, and this year there happened to be students voting against prayer during graduation. It is not LCHS, it is not the board, it is a law!

Read more here:
Apparently there are plans afoot to have students pray on their own, but that is precisely what the Constitution's Establishment Clause allows:  prayer on your own, not led or mandated by government representatives.

I am sure the freakazoids and authoritarian loons are rushing to Stanford as I write. (Closest commercial airport is Lexington, boys; from there it's a one-hour drive on secondary roads. But it's spring and the redbuds and dogwoods are blooming.)

Note to Lincoln County community leaders: see how much money you can squeeze out of the motherfuckers before you run them out of town.

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