Sunday, May 5, 2013

Kentucky Caves to Freakazoid Fraudsters

The issue here is not just the fraud - xians who trust other xians with their money deserve what they get - but the principle that thinking an invisible sky wizard protects you means you are exempt from government regulation.

From the Courier:
A Christians-only health care plan that had been banned in Kentucky could resume operations in the state next month, unless officials at the Department of Insurance opt to continue a decade-long legal fight
The Kentucky General Assembly passed a law that takes effect June 25 exempting Medi-Share, a Florida-based cost-sharing ministry, from regulations that apply to traditional insurance companies. That was done in response to Franklin County Circuit Judge Thomas Wingate's order barring Medi-Share from Kentucky.


For the past decade, the Department of Insurance has been in the unenviable position of fighting against the Christian cost-sharing ministry in a Bible-belt state. The agency took the case to court because of concerns that some Christians might mistakenly believe they're paying into an insurance plan that guarantees coverage if they're hospitalized.
And when the inevitable crash happens and thousands of terminally ill Kentucky freakazoids are suddenly dumped into emergency rooms with no insurance, it's Kentucky taxpayers who will foot the bill.

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