Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Organic" Does Not Mean "Liberal:" Boycott Organic Eden

Knee-jerk rejection of anything embraced by liberals is so ubiquitous among the freakazoids, repugs and Reichwingnuts, it's a nasty surprise to discover a company hippies love pulling stunts that would make the Koch Brothers and Bill Donohue proud.

From Salon, via LGM:
The slogan for Eden Foods, which describes itself as the “oldest natural and organic food company in North America,” is “creation and maintenance of purity in food.” Its CEO and founder, Michael Potter, has been prominent in debates over labeling of organic food and GMOs. But the company has been quietly seeking in court another form of purity — to Catholic doctrine about sex being solely for procreation. That goes not just for Potter, but for all 128 of his employees.

That is, Eden Foods — an organic food company with no shortage of liberal customers — has quietly pursued a decidedly right-wing agenda, suing the Obama administration for exemption from the mandate to cover contraception for its employees under the Affordable Care Act. In court filings, Eden Foods, represented by the conservative Thomas More Law Center, alleges that its rights have been violated under the First Amendment, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the Administrative Procedure Act.

Eden Foods, which did not respond to a request for comment, says in its filing that the company believes of birth control that “these procedures almost always involve immoral and unnatural practices.” The complaint also says that “Plaintiffs believe that Plan B and ‘ella’ can cause the death of the embryo, which is a person.” (Studies show that neither Plan B nor Ella interfere with fertilization, which is the Catholic definition of the beginning of life, if not the medical one. In other words, not the death of an embryo. Also, at that stage, it’s a zygote, not an embryo — let alone a “person.”) The filing also said that “Plaintiff Eden Foods’ products, methods, and accomplishments are described by critics as: tasteful, nutritious, wholesome, principled, unrivaled, nurturing, pure.”
Time to start boycotting the corporate motherfuckers exploiting liberal cultural victories with one hand while undermining them with the other. 


  1. We need to really spread the word about boycotting Eden Foods. Tell all our friends and family on Facebook. Call and email Eden Foods, plus leave messages on their facebook page. Call and email Whole Foods (another company w/ a right wing CEO) and urge them to stop supplying products from Eden Foods.

    I will probably never resume buying from them even if they drop this ridiculous lawsuit. How could I ever trust this company to do the right thing?

  2. Aren't you an ingrate. Someone with a lot of cash to buy food, whatever you want that does not come from an owner who disagrees with your religious beliefs or lack thereof. You want to have sex all you want and be on a pill so that you don't have children. Well someone should ship you off to Africa, where they have no electricity, running water, and certainly no birth control. They also do not have food there like you see in America's stores. Life is hard there. Then after a year of living there watching starving children every day, and feeling starvation yourself, you can come back here to America, the land of the free, where people broke their back and grew their own food for themselves and communities forced out people they didn't like. You will then think about not boycotting a food company and move your sight to something more important like spending your time trying to arrange an actual community garden in your neighborhood or boycotting some company that uses slave labor in China. Cut the crap and stop being such an ingrate.

  3. Wow. Organic-bashing to slut-shaming in two sentences. Congrats on really epic trolling.
