Sunday, April 14, 2013

Anti-Woman Ghouls Slavering Over Gosnell Case

It is a testament to the ability of the freakazoid Reichwing to spout lies in the face of contradicting reality that the case of a monster who exploited abortion restrictions to torture and murder desperate poor women is being used to attack abortion rights.

Sarah Posner:
Kermit Gosnell is on trial in Philadelphia, charged with eight counts of murder at his grisly abortion clinic. The Associated Press covered the opening proceedings of a trial expected to last eight weeks. A New York Times reporter was also present when the trial opened. His story appeared on page A17, which apparently wasn’t prominent enough for conservatives who are complaining that the media is under-covering the story because, as Charles Krauthammer put it, it places the issue of late-term abortion “starkly into relief.”

Gosnell is charged with illegally performing third trimester abortions, and slitting the spines of the babies, acts that were loudly condemned by pro-choice advocates. It doesn’t bring the issue of late-term abortion “starkly into relief”; it’s the story of a monster completely flouting the law and medical standards. When the story came to light more than two years ago, legitimate providers made that perfectly clear.

Is Gosnell’s trial getting the same level of coverage on cable as, say, the Jodi Arias trial? No. But that’s a question about the media’s priorities in general, rather than some sort of ideologically-driven fear that the pro-choice position would be exposed. Proponents of safe, legal abortion do not fear any light shed on this awful episode. To the contrary, they were some of the first to condemn Gosnell when the details of a grand jury report were made public in January 2011 and Gosnell was first charged. 
Abortion restrictions kill women, and the Gosnell case proves it. Laws that deliberately make it nearly impossible for non-rich women to obtain safe, affordable, early abortions force women into dangerous late-term abortions from butchers like Gosnell.

If the freakazoids screeching about Gosnell really cared about saving women's lives - as opposed to sacrificing women on the altar of blastocyst worship - they would demand legal, safe, frequent, free-of-charge, unrestricted, no-questions-asked, anytime, anyplace abortions on every street corner.

Because that is what will save women's lives.

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