Thursday, March 14, 2013

Whatever Happened to Fist Fights?

Guns foreclose your options. When there's a gun easy to hand, it's hard to remember that there's a world of options between doing nothing and shooting.

Juanita Jean:
I do not know what “visiting” means, but whatever it does, it hacked off Wayne Bengston enough to kill Rodriguez, beat up his wife, take his 2 year old son to relatives’ house, then drive 25 miles and shoot himself in the head, which kinda leads you to suspect that Rodriguez wasn’t visiting to sell Bibles.

Now here’s my question: Wayne La Pierre says the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. So, where the hell was the good guy? Is he like Batman and you have to signal him? Or is he more like Superman and instinctively knows these things but the overproduction of kryptonite, Obama’s missing birth certificate, and the Keystone pipeline have messed up his navigation?

I need to know where Wayne is hiding these good guys. Too many times two guys with guns make it real difficult to sort out the good, the bad, and the innocent bystander.

Maybe we could go back to that whole black and white hat thing. That would make cleaning up a crime scene a whole lot easier. I’m just sayin’ …

For right now, I’m gonna bet that these were two good guys who could have settled this thing with a fist fight, a couple of black eyes, and a make-up beer over at the Mustang Lounge. That doesn’t seem like a viable option now days, what with Wayne LaPierre around.

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