Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's Not a Budget; It's a Blueprint for Feudalism

And thus is fit only for ridicule.

Charles Pierce:
(Paul Ryan) believes that there are certain things that the government should not do for its citizens, and he would believe that if the balance showed a 20-gozillion surplus. His goal is to stop the government from doing those things. Everything else he does — every "budget" he proposes — is in service to that philosophy. His whole career has been made within the confines of that philosophy. It has blinded him to the very real human effects of what would occur if his "budget" ever was adopted, it also has blinded him to his own staggering hypocrisy — a man seeking to demolish the very safety net that got him through high-school and college, a man talking about the perils of government who's never had a real job outside of it. He is engaged in an extended act of camouflage through which he concocts disguises for policy preferences that the country has told him, over and over again, it does not want, and which the country has told him, over and over again, do not reflect the country's idea of itself. When he laughed at Paul Ryan in that debate, Joe Biden laughed for America.

The austerity fetish is really simple, actually. We elected Obama, therefore we must learn our place. If the people are made to suffer, then they will be humble. More importantly, if the electorate comes to understand that prosperity for the 99% will never be allowed to happen under a Democrat, then all will be right.


But Republicans have now finally admitted that austerity for austerity's sake was always the plan. Americans have to suffer now. You, your loved ones, your community, your friends, you will be made to suffer by rich white men who demand fealty. You must be punished for your defiance. It doesn't matter what is cut, as long as it's cut.
It's for your own good.
The Rude Pundit:
The proper way to think about Paul Ryan's latest iteration of his budget, a budget that helped the GOP to lose in 2012, a budget that was rejected by the majority of voters through the election, is that it's a proposal of punishment for a nation that rejected the Republican way of doing things. It's Ryan's and the GOP's way of saying to 99% of America, "Fuck you." Ryan may as well have put a picture of himself flipping us off on the cover.
The Fuck You Budget. That's what it is.

1 comment:

  1. The republican goal is to privatize all government functions. That way they can take a huge piece of every social program as profit. They have already done that with the military. They are starting to do it with prisons. They want to do it with health care. If social security was a private enterprise they could take a big percentage of that pie every year. It is all one form or another of shifting money from us to them. That is all it is, a money redistribution scheme to enrich the rich.
