Thursday, March 28, 2013

McConnell Wraps Up 2014 Re-Election

I mean it. The instrument has yet to be invented that can measure the utter incompetence of the "Democratic" "candidates" remaining in the field with Judd now out.

Linda Blackford and Jack Brammer at the Herald:
Actress Ashley Judd will not run for U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell's seat in next year's election, she announced Wednesday.

Judd, a native Kentuckian who now lives in Tennessee, shows up frequently at University of Kentucky basketball games.

"Regretfully, I am currently unable to consider a campaign for the Senate," she wrote on Twitter on Wednesday afternoon.

"I have spoken to so many Kentuckians over these last few months who expressed their desire for a fighter for the people & new leader.

"While that won't be me at this time, I will continue to work as hard as I can to ensure the needs of Kentucky families are met by returning this Senate seat to whom it rightfully belongs: the people & their needs, dreams, and great potential. Thanks for even considering me as that person & know how much I love our Commonwealth. Thank you!"
I trust Mitchie-poo is suitably grateful to the Kentucky conservadem establishment, the DINO Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, Bill Clinton and his buddy Jerry Lundergan (father of Alison) for sabotaging the only chance Kentucky had to get rid of him.

And shame on Blackford and Brammer for that "Tennessee actress who goes to ball games" snide remark. Judd, as they know goddamn well, is a long-time activist for coal-mining communities and women's rights.

Which is way more than Alison Lundergan Grimes can say.

Read more here:

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