Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Guntard Logic Also Defends Drug Dealing

Now I understand why Kentucky lawmakers were stepping on each others' heads to accomplish two things at once:
 - remove even the tiniest restrictions on gun purchase, carry and use

 - make it next to impossible for anyone to obtain pain-relieving drugs with a legal prescription.

For the repugs, freakazoids and guntards, it's always about abdicating personal responsibility.
This is a weird story, but it totally makes sense that a doctor handing out illegal prescriptions would use this argument:


I mean, if gun makers and gun dealers have no responsibility for what people do with a gun, why should doctors have responsibility for what their customers do with drugs? Maybe the patients are making art out of the pills. Why not apply NRA logic about responsibility to the rest of society? Why punish bartenders if they serve obviously inebriated customers who then get behind the wheel? Why go after cigarette companies for marketing to children? It’s strictly the responsibility of the user!

To be clear, I certainly don’t agree with this doctor. He deserves punishment. But it’s also hardly surprising that other distributors of dangerous materials would abdicate responsibility based upon NRA arguments about gun use.

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