Monday, January 21, 2013

"The People of Kentucky Need a Fighter"

No, it's not too early to start working on a campaign to unseat the most powerful, wealthy, nasty and unscrupulous repug official in the nation.  It's almost too late. Make up your mind and get to work, Ashley.

James R. Carroll at the Courier:
Actress and activist Ashley Judd said Saturday she is “taking a close look” at running against Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., in the 2014 race.

Judd would not say whether she had decided to mount a campaign, but her brief comments in an interview with The Courier-Journal and Politico were the strongest indication yet that she may be a serious candidate.

“The people of Kentucky need a fighter,” Judd said as she walked through a Washington hotel lobby on her way to the Kentucky Society of Washington’s Bluegrass Ball. “And certainly going back 10 generations, I’ve got some fighters from those hills in my family.”
Kentucky has a long, proud, deep and broad progressive tradition despite its tendency to elect conservatives to national office. But even there, McConnell is an anomoly: a petty partisan unworthy of the mantle of republicans like John Sherman Cooper and Thruston Morton.

Nor is McConnell personally popular, benefiting from a series of inept opponents rather than a strong fan base. Judd is beloved.

McConnell can waste a billion dollars from the Koch Brothers bashing Judd as a "Hollywood liberal;" Kentuckians know she is one of us the way Alabama-boy McConnell never will be.

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