Monday, January 21, 2013

The Constitutional Right That's Really Under Siege

If the governor of Massachusetts, or California, or Oregon, were to state publicly on multiple occasions her determination to eliminate individual gun ownership in her state, what do you think the reaction would be?

Probably not the deafening silence that is greeting the successful efforts by at least one U.S. governor to eliminate a woman's constitutional right to control her own body.

Deafening, except for one determined voice.

Part One

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Part Two

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Part Three

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After the Supreme Court decided Roe, most abortions in this country were performed in hospitals, anonymously.  You couldn't tell by looking at the people passing through the hospital's multiple doors who was a patient, much less who was there for an abortion.  Hospitals wouldn't tolerate protesters blockading entrances or harassing patients.

But hospital abortions were expensive, and once the Hyde Amendment barred Medicare and Medicaid from paying for abortions, hospitals stopped providing abortions to women without private insurance or significant cash. 

The anti-woman forces could not get any leverage as protesters until they forced abortions out of the safe haven of hospitals and into isolated clinics vulnerable to attacks.

So the Hyde Amendment wasn't about saving tax dollars; it was about throwing women and the doctors who care for them to the wolves.

The one piece of legislation that could end this denial of constitutional rights is one requiring that every hospital that receives any federal dollars also perform abortions.

Take abortions out of the clinics that are nothing but juicy targets for freakazoid psychopaths and put them back into hospitals where patients are safe and private.

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