Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Next Gun Massacre Will Be in These KY Schools

Because stupidity attracts stupidity.

Bruce Schreiner, AP:
Uniformed deputies, gun holsters at their sides, walked the hallways and stopped in classrooms Monday, eliciting smiles from teachers and high-fives from youngsters as they made security rounds that are becoming routine in this northeastern Kentucky community.

Mason County Sheriff Patrick Boggs has assigned his 11 full-time deputies to spend four hours each week at local public and private schools in the county 140 miles northeast of Louisville. The initiative follows last month's massacre at a Connecticut elementary school that claimed the lives of 20 children and six school staff.
Apparently Boggs, who should be recalled immediately for terminal incompetence, never learned that the Columbine killers murdered with impunity despite the presence at the school that day of - wait for it - armed guards.

And neither he nor anyone else will learn that fact from this article, because Schreiner never mentions it.


Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2013/01/07/2467250/law-officers-on-duty-in-schools.html#storylink=cpy

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