Tuesday, January 8, 2013

In KY, Where Pain Meds are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Have Pain Meds

Kentucky's 2012 law to crack down on pill mills and the quacks who push prescription narcotics out of them has accomplished exactly what opponents predicted and the exact opposite of what lawmakers intended:

Addicts can still get all the opiates they need, while sufferers of chronic pain are denied relief by doctors legitimately terrified of the draconian penalties for daring to prescribe strong analgesics.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
Reps. Jimmie Lee, D-Elizabethtown, and Johnny Bell, D-Glasgow, said they were concerned that the law has had the unintended consequence of hurting people who actually need pain medication.

Bell noted that heroin is "now flowing into this state" and producing more drug addicts.

The lawmakers said some doctors have stopped prescribing pain medications because they feel "criminally threatened" by the law.

Bill Doll, a lobbyist for the Kentucky Medical Association, said the law presented "a threatening environment" for doctors concerned about criminal liability, and he expressed hope that the 2013 law-making session could address those concerns.
And here's the fucking hysterical part:
C. Lloyd Vest, general counsel for the licensure board, said he was not aware of any legitimate, physician-owned pain management clinic going out of business because of the new law.
Of course not, you fucking moron: it's doctors in hospitals and general practice who are denying pain relief to their patients out of fear of losing their licenses to practice and going to prison.

Meanwhile, the pill mills continue to thrive, because addicts will always get what they need while the rest of us suffer.

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2013/01/07/2467727/new-regulations-for-law-dealing.html#storylink=cpy

Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/2013/01/07/2467727/new-regulations-for-law-dealing.html#storylink=cpy


  1. I am a pain patient, I am disabled due to four herniated discs in the lumbar area, a fusion in my cervical region, pinched nerves, etc. It is next to impossible in Kentucky to get Doctors to prescribe enough pain medicine to alleviate your pain. But it you are a junkie there is enough Heroin in this state to keep you happy for the rest of your life. Makes sense to me, not!!!

  2. It is impossible now to get adequate pain treatment in Kentucky. I was on the same dose of MsContin for 12 years, prescribed by a very conservative primary care doc. He was wonderful. After the "Pill Mill Bill", he will no longer prescribe pain meds and I had to go to a pain clinic. After six months my doctor there left and I haven't seen a doctor there for four months. But that hasn't stopped them from decreasing my dose every month, without any explanatiion. I am supposed to see a doctor there in two months. Who knows what will happen then.
