Saturday, January 12, 2013

Public Service Announcement

Because we will not get through this or any session of the Kentucky General Assembly without some freakazoid whining about banishing god from the schools.

No law, regulation or article/amendment of the Constitution bars voluntary prayer by anyone, anywhere.  Only prayer mandated by government.
In Jacksonville, N.C., this week, members of the Baysden Chapel Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church trooped down to the Onslow County School Board building to demand that public school students be allowed to pray voluntarily. When officials explained that students already have that right, the church members said there'd been a "misunderstanding" and quickly ended their protest.
This is what a government mandate looks like:
A state senator in Indiana introduced a bill on Thursday that would give public school districts the authority to mandate daily recitations of the Lord’s Prayer in public classrooms

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