Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hagel the Wrong Leader for the Modern Military

It's one thing to set a thief to catch a thief. It's something else entirely to put a freakazoid misogynist in charge of an organization that covertly condones rape of servicewomen and then overtly denies them abortions.
Ten percent of the U.S. Armed Forces are women. They serve in every capacity, including combat.  And they are having to fight their own fellow soldiers, commanding officers and civilian leadership for basic civil and human rights.

Rights that Chuck Hagel will fight to deny them.
While former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel has taken intense heat for past opposition to gay rights, his conservative view on abortion has been drawn less attention from Democratic critics.

But as a Senator, Hagel repeatedly voted against amendments to allow servicewomen to pay for abortion services at military hospitals out of their own pockets.

According past campaign literature, he also opposed abortion in cases of rape and incest because those cases are "rare."
Rape and sexual harassment are a virulent epidemic in the U.S. military.  I seriously doubt Chuck Hagel  thinks that's a problem.

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