Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Reform" Half of Kentucky Tax Reform Already DOA

Just like I predicted, Kentucky legislators are rejecting making the rich and corporations pay their fair share of taxes. Which means the only parts that will pass are the tax cuts for the rich and the spending cuts on the working class.

Tom Loftus at the Courier:
A bumpy road lies ahead for the tax reform commission’s recommendations to raise $659 million in new revenue, with some rank-and-file members of the legislature saying chances of passing anything that amounts to a big tax increase are remote.

Several key legislative players are withholding comment on the 54 recommendations made this month by Gov. Steve Beshear’s commission.

“Right now the chance of any tax increases in the Senate would be extremely doubtful,” said Sen. Tom Buford, R-Nicholasville. “Maybe if you linked them up with budget cuts — reductions in government spending — you might sway the Senate to start to get interested.”
Oh, Buford - you're so fucking predictable. I don't suppose the "reductions in government spending" to which you refer might be the billion-plus the state wastes on corporate welfare, would it?  No, of course not.

Call your legislator and tell him or her you want Kentucky's obscenely wealthy families and companies to start paying their fair share.

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