Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Only One Human Being in Kentucky's Congressional Delegation

And of course it's Congressman Awesome.

Chris Kenning and James Carroll at the Courier:
Saying “doing nothing is not an option,” U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Louisville, promised Monday to support a comprehensive new package of gun control legislation he believes can pass Congress in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings .

“I have been largely silent on the issue of gun violence over the past six years, and I am now as sorry for that as I am for what happened to the families who lost so much,” he said in Louisville news conference during which he called for “meaningful action.”

But while Yarmuth publicly endorsed greater gun control, other Kentucky and Southern Indiana lawmakers — most Republicans — were reluctant Monday to take a stand, either sidestepping the issue or refusing to comment altogether.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, in a speech on the Senate floor Monday afternoon, said there was “no escaping the fact that the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary stands out for its awfulness.” But the Kentucky Republican did not say whether he believes there is a need for new gun-control measures.
Mitchie-poo's always been a coward, but you'd think the Commonwealth's Tribble-toupeed Teabagger would be shouting libertarian gun-nuttery from the rooftops.
Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul’s spokesperson did not respond to requests for an interview.
I'll bet Ashley Judd would leap at the chance to talk about Sandy Hook.

Reps. Brett Guthrie, Tom Massie and Andy Barr also chickened out of commenting, although Reps. Ed Whitfield and Hal Rogers, whose asses are permanently grafted to their House seats, offered typical weasel words.

It's not as if Kentucky doesn't know the shock, pain and permanent damage of a school shooting. Fifteen years later, Heath High School in Paducah is still kept locked around the clock, and shooter Michael Carneal is still appealing his life sentence on grounds of mental defect.

No fucking kidding, motherfucker.

At least Carneal admits what he did and that it was wrong.  That's more than McConnell, Paul, Guthrie, Massie, Barr, Whitfield and Rogers can say.

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