Saturday, November 24, 2012

That'll Teach Him

Not for his years of bullying governors, Democratic officials, his fellow legislators and random importunate citizens.

Not for his inexcusable obstruction of every progressive attempt to drag Kentucky into the 20th, not to say 21st, century.

Not for his destructive pandering to the worst elements of his own party.

No, not for any of that is Corbin removing David Williams' name from its exposition center, but for his failure to intervene successfully in an intra-county dispute.

Roger Alford at the AP:
Corbin leaders have taken former Senate President David Williams' name off an exposition center, complaining that he didn't do enough to protect the city in a dispute with Knox County officials over revenue from an occupational tax.

City Commissioner Ed Tye said Friday that the decision to delete the Republican's name from the David L. Williams Southeastern Kentucky Ag & Expo Complex was made before he resigned from the state Senate earlier this month to accept a judicial appointment.

Tye said Corbin leaders believed that Williams, who for more than a decade was the most powerful Republican in Frankfort, could have helped the city in a longstanding battle with Knox County officials over the occupational tax revenue. Senate Floor Leader Robert Stivers, R-Manchester, was able to get legislation passed earlier this year that prevented Corbin from collecting 25 percent of Knox County's occupational tax.

Tye said that move cost Corbin about $600,000 a year.
Stivers is widely expected to succeed Williams as senate president in January. Corbin can expect no favors from the state senate as long as Stivers runs it.

Hey, Corbin Democrats: repugs just handed you a gift-wrapped opportunity. Don't blow it.

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