Friday, November 23, 2012

Let Walmart Lead the Private Sector Stimulus

Stimulus is stimulus: however you put money into the hands of low-wage workers who will spend every dime of it immediately and locally, that spending grows the economy. 

Increasing wages works the same as increasing food stamps, housing subsidies, child-care subsidies or even plain welfare. It all gets spent, unlike reducing the taxes of already obscenely wealthy rich people and corporations, which does not grow the economy because that money gets saved, not spent.

But if the Very Serious People are so certain that the private sector grows the economy better than the public sector does (they're wrong), let them prove it. 

Pat Garofalo at Think Progress:
By 2020, more than one-quarter of U.S. workers will be working low-wage jobs, not making enough money to keep a family of four out of poverty. The corporations that employ the most low-wage workers, meanwhile, “have largely recovered from the recession and most are in strong financial positions.” 92 percent of them were profitable last year, while three-quarters are making more in revenues than they were before the recession. The retail industry is one of those that employs the most low-wage workers. (About 36 percent of low-wage workers work in retail.) And according to a new report from Demos, big retailers could afford to boost their workers’ income to $25,000 per year without eating into their bottom line:
The cost of increasing the living standards of more than 5 million Americans, adding $11.8 to $15.2 billion to GDP, and creating no less than 100,000 jobs amounts to just a small portion of total earnings among the biggest firms. The retail sector takes in more than $4 trillion annually and firms with 1000 or more employees account for more than half of that. At the same time labor compensation in the sector contributes only 12 percent of the total value of production, making payroll just a fraction of total costs. Large retailers could pay full-time, year-round workers $25,000 per year and still make a profit – satisfying shareholders while rewarding their workers for the value they bring to the firm. A raise at large retailers adds $20.8 billion to payroll for the year, or less than 1 percent of total sales in the sector. At the same time it is very likely the firm will experience benefits that offset the cost of the wage increase — in the form of productivity gains and higher sales per employee — making the net cost of the new wage even lower.
Meanwhile, “if retailers pass half of the costs of a wage raise on to their customers, the average household will see just 15 cents added to the cost of its shopping basket on any trip to a large retailer. That amounts to an annual cost of $17.73.”
Why pick on Walmart?  Answers from Under the Mountain Bunker here and here.

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