Saturday, November 10, 2012

"Fiscal Cliff" Biggest Lie Since "Romney's Winning"

No wonder Mitch McConnell peddles them both.

James Carroll at the Courier:
Ahead of a meeting with President Barack Obama next week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., signaled Friday that he is not willing to compromise to permit a tax increase on the wealthiest Americans.

Obama said Friday that a legislative package to avert automatic deep federal budget cuts and an increase in taxes on all Americans should include higher taxes on upper incomes.

“If we’re serious about reducing the deficit, we have to combine spending cuts with revenue — and that means asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more in taxes,” the president said in remarks at the White House.

Although Obama outlined a plan to avoid the so-called “fiscal cliff,” McConnell responded to the president by insisting the White House was not offering details.
Yes, shame on President Obama for peddling the fiscal cliff lie, too.

The best possible thing that could happen before January 1 is ... nothing. On Jan. 1, the Bush tax cuts expire, the Obama administration delays changes in payroll withholding to avoid a sudden tax increase on workers, and repugs have to negotiate a new tax cut for the middle class.

As Charlie Pierce can't repeat often enough: 
Fk The Deficit. People Got No Jobs. People Got No Money.
The way out of this recession is to tax billionaires out of existence, borrow trillions while interest rates are negative, and create 10 million new jobs rebuilding and building new infrastructure.

Repugs and the myth of the fiscal cliff are the obstacle.

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