Saturday, November 10, 2012

Another Liberal VictoryTuesday

Wanna give your local economy a boost?  Put money directly in the hands of the workers who will spend it immediately?  Raise your minimum wage.
Three cities in the US voted yesterday to raise the minimum wage: Albuquerque, NM (“raise the minimum wage to $8.50, tie it to inflation, and increase the minimum wage for tipped workers”); San Jose, CA (increase minimum wage to $10.00); and Long Beach, CA (100+-room hotels must either pay $13/hour with paid sick leave for full-time workers or enter into collective bargaining).
And no, raising the minimum wage neither hurts business nor cuts jobs - just the opposite, because that increase in pay goes directly and immediately back into the local economy.  Unlike tax cuts to billionaires, who send their windfall overseas.

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