Wednesday, October 31, 2012

"While You Laughed ..."

Under the Mountain Bunker:
Robert Reich: If You Succumb to Cynicism, The Regressives Win it All: This is for those of you who consider yourself to be progressive but have given up on politics because it seems rotten to the core. You may prefer Obama to Romney but don’t think there’s a huge difference between the two, so you may not even vote. Your cynicism is understandable. But cynicism is a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you succumb to it, the regressives who want to take this nation back to the 19th century win it all. The Koch brothers, Karl Rove, the rabid Republican right, CEOs and Wall Street titans who want to entrench their privileges and tax advantages – all of them would like nothing better than for every progressive in America to throw in the towel. Then America is entirely theirs…

truth-has-a-liberal-biasThere are more Democrats, Greens, Progressives, Liberals, Independents and Moderates, than there are Tea Party Republicans.

We just have to make sure we vote!
Voting yourself is not enough. You have to make sure every Democratic voter you know also votes. Don't let them sit at home again.

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