Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cop Tasers Child To Make a Point

Go ahead. Explain to me how that child deserves that.  Then explain to me why that motherfucking piece of shit cop is not in prison.
It's not like 50,000 volts ever hurt anyone:
"According to the complaint, [New Mexico police officer Chris] Webb shot his Taser at the child after he said he did not want to join fellow classmates in cleaning the officer's patrol car. Courthouse News reported: Defendant Webb responded by pointing his Taser at R.D. and saying, 'Let me show you what happens to people who do not listen to the police.' ... [H]e sent 50,000 volts of electricity into the child's chest on the playground. The young boy blacked out and has, according to his legal representative, been suffering from post traumatic stress disorder ever since."
That police officer was only telling the truth. This is what happens to people who don't "listen to the police." Even if they are having epileptic fits, are mentally ill, drunk, on drugs or are otherwise unable to comply.

Also too, if they are asserting their rights under the constitution.

If we train our kids to understand that they must automatically drop their eyes, shut their mouths and comply instantly with anything the government authorities demand, we will have a much more docile and cooperative population. And what better way to train them than an electric prod? It's certain that this little fellow won't soon forget his lesson.

1 comment:

  1. This is yet another example of how the legal system is out of control similar to mitt romneys campaign. Fuckin ridiculous the cop should serve life in prison for his actions seeing how he is suppose to set an example for citizens.
