Friday, October 26, 2012

Rand Paul Even Dumber on Foreign Policy Than Romney

My guess would be that the State Department employees "most responsible" for the death of Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens - to the extent that any State Department employees are responsible at all - are the ones who died in the consulate at Benghazi.

Joe Gerth at the Courier:
Sen. Rand Paul said Thursday that someone in the U.S. State Department needs to lose his or her job over the Sept. 11 attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that led to the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens.

“If someone made a decision that may have cost the ambassador his life, they need to be reassigned at the very least,” the Kentucky Republican said after speaking to the Rotary Club of Louisville. “They need to lose their ability to make those decisions again.”

The Obama administration has been under fire because of its response to the attack and its refusal before the attack to assign more security personnel to the consulate in a part of Libya where al-Qaida has established a foothold. On Aug. 2, more than a month before the attack that killed Stevens, embassy security personnel asked for more bodyguards, saying “the security situation in Libya remains unpredictable, volatile and violent.”


“I think there are some important questions that have to be asked,” Paul said in an interview. “Why were there no Marines guarding the ambassador, why was the security detail denied, and why was the plane denied.
 Let's see if I can explain this in the slow, one-syllable way Aynrandy seems to require:

A) The extra security was requested for the EMBASSY, which is in TRIPOLI, hundreds of miles away from the consulate in BENGHAZI, where Ambassador Stevens died.

B) Marines at U.S. Embassies have one job and one job only: protecting the paperwork and electronic information. They will protect that information even if everybody in the Embassy dies.

C) Ambassador Stevens made security and transport decisions; is the dishonorable gentleman from Kentucky blaming the Ambassador for his own death?

It's real easy, from the comfortable confines of the Rotary Club of Louisville, to criticize American diplomats who risk their lives every day in the service of their country.

The Tribble-Toupeed One wouldn't last five minutes in that job, much less in President Obama's. Shut the fuck up, moron.

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