Thursday, October 25, 2012

More Dem Stupidity on Mourdock/Romney

Any stupid, hateful thing any repug says is a stupid, hateful thing said by every other repug. Don't let them deny it; don't let them repudiate it, don't let them get any distance at all from the most hate-mongering, extreme, stupid and ridiculous members of their party.

Down with Tyranny:
Patty Murray, head of the DSCC wasn't letting the GOP get off the hook so easily. "While Mitt Romney is rightly distancing himself from Richard Mourdock today, his ad endorsing Mourdock's extreme candidacy continues to air in Indiana. If Mitt Romney is serious about repudiating these heinous views on rape, he will take down this ad immediately. National Republicans cannot paper over Richard Mourdock's heinous views on rape. Enough is enough. The Republican Party needs to stop the coddling and take a stand against the horribly offensive and dangerous views of the Tea Party and their extreme candidates."
No, No, NO, NO!

This is what you say:
"Romney clearly still endorses, supports and shares Mourdock's disgusting policies that would condemn American women to Taliban-like barbarity.  We congratulate and thank Mourdock for courageously standing up for real republican values and Mitt Romney for maintaining his support of Mourdock."

Has your repug congressional candidate condemned Mourdock yet?  If not, that means she agrees with and supports Mourdock, and thinks god ordains rape.
Make sure everybody knows!

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