Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thank You, GOP, for Nominating a Psychopath

I don't care if you're the most gay-hating, homophobic asshole in the world, you can figure out how to be minimally civil to a fellow human being.

Unless, apparently, you are the GOP nominee for president.

Here is a fun fact about gay people that Mitt Romney learned courtesy of a group of hero gay rights activists: gay people have families! YES, actual families. But wait, you might be thinking, how is it possible that Mitt Romney had gone his whole life not knowing where gay babies come from? Is he originally from Iran, where there are no gay people? No, of course he is not from Iran, so what could possibly explain the fact that he actually said “I didn’t know you had families,” to a group of gay rights activists? And can this same explanation also help us better contextualize all the other horrible things he said to those gay right activists during that meeting?
Wonkette commenter whattheholyheck:
It's important to note that Goodridge told the entire story of her difficult childbirth and how her partner wasn't allowed into the L&D room because they weren't legally family. He sat through her narrative with a blank stare, according to eyewitnesses, and then made clear with his replies that he hadn't even been listening.

I rarely want to punch the ever living fuck out of another person with my own hands, but this is a sterling exception.

He's not inhuman; he's a fucking psychopath.

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