Thursday, September 13, 2012

Only If He Takes the Senate

If the repugs fall short of 50 seats - or even lose just one - McConnell's done. Not only will he not be running for re-election in 2014, he'll lose the leadership.

Roger Alford at AP:
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell reached into the upper echelons of the tea party movement for a campaign manager to head his bid for re-election to a sixth term.

McConnell announced Thursday that he hired Jesse Benton - the tea party political operative who headed Texas Congressman Ron Paul's presidential primary race - to oversee a campaign that's still two years away and still lacking an opponent.
And if Sad Turtle thinks hiring a teabagger consultant is going to immunize him against getting crushed in a primary, he's even more delusional than the RMoney campaign.

Read more here:

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