Sunday, July 1, 2012

An Official Call for Gay Marriage in Kentucky

I really hate it when Louisville gets this far out ahead of Lexington in the Most-Liberal-City-in-Kentucky contest.

Louisville elected Congressman Awesome John Yarmuth, then Lexington elected openly-gay Jim Gray as Mayor (although Gray's conservative policies cancel out the gay-rights victory.)

Now the Louisville Democratic Party has raised the stakes. Joe Gerth at the Courier:

The Louisville/Jefferson County Democratic Party is calling for the Democratic National Committee to endorse gay marriage and include it as a plank in its platform at this year’s national convention.

The party’s executive committee voted Wednesday to approve the resolution, which comes nearly two months after President Barack Obama said he supported gay marriage but wouldn’t push for federal legislation allowing it.

Last month, U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he expects a gay marriage plank to be included in the platform at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., later this summer.

Bill Ryan, chairman of the Jefferson County party, said he had no position on the resolution when it was introduced Wednesday by Jacob Conway, the party’s vice chairman in the 29th legislative district, but that the measure passed when a majority of the party’s executive committee voted in favor of it.

Anne Lindauer, chairwoman of the 34th legislative district, said the vote was the “right and proper thing to do.”

Read the whole thing.

Your move, Fayette Count Dems.

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