Sunday, July 1, 2012

Eliminate the Billionaires

Not because they do society no positive good, but because unlike the lillies of the field, they cause tangible harm

Down With Tyranny:

... from Vermont's Independent Senator Bernie Sanders:

"We now have the most unequal distribution of wealth and income distribution in our modern history."

"Today, the wealthiest 400 individuals own more wealth than the bottom half of America - 150 million people."

"Today, the 6 heirs to the Wal-Mart fortune, own more wealth than the bottom 30% – 90 million Americans."

In finishing up his chapter, "Tax Cuts Aren't A Solution To Every Problem," Joshua Holland, author of The Fifteen Biggest Lies About The Economy, decided to borrow from Larry Beinhart's Tax Cuts: The B.S. and the Facts
In 2008, Beinhart took a look at a fog fact about taxes. He compared two sets of data, historic income tax and GDP growth rates in the United States, and concluded, “The brute facts” are as follows:

• High income taxes correlate with economic growth.

• Income tax increases are followed by economic growth.

• Moderate income tax cuts are followed by a flat economy.

As surely as water rushes in to fill any opening or crevasse, wealth rushes in to take over any society it is embedded in. We've all seen in recent years how a few wealthy families and their corporate enterprises have sought to undermine American democracy. When I say all billionaires must be "eliminated," I'm not talking about violence-- God forbid; I'm talking about going back to sensible, equitable tax policies that serve society rather than a handful of wealthy parasites.


Next Tuesday Blue America will be hosting a live chat at Crooks and Liars with Raúl Grijalva. It's worth watching his speech on the floor of Congress yesterday about the dangers of Dark Money the very wealthy are using to undermine democracy.

Read the whole thing.

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