Saturday, June 23, 2012

How to Talk to Red-State Voters About ObamaCare

I'm sure cowardly worm Ben Chandler won't follow Heidi's lead (yet another reason why he'll lose to the real repug in the race, but maybe stand-up dem Bill Adkins will.

Down with Tyranny:

Democrats running in red districts or red states are in a tough situation with voters who are uninterested in nuance and long used to voting against their own financial interests. The campaign video (above), released yesterday by Democrat Heidi Heitkamp handles it exceedingly well. It's a response to the latest DC special interests attacks funded by secret donors. They've already spent over half a million dollars-- which goes a LONG way in North Dakota-- smearing Heitkamp and bolstering the campaign of the state's biggest, and most hated, landlord, Rick Berg. If you haven't seen it yet, take a look, or even watch it again. Key line: "There are good things, and bad things in the health care law, but we have to make coverage more secure, not less. Unlike my opponent, I won't vote to deny coverage to kids or let insurance companies deny coverage for pre-existing conditions."

Heitkamp has reminded the media that just months after filming a campaign ad attacking his opponent for eliminating waste within Medicare, Berg voted to maintain these very same savings. According to the Associated Press: “In a post-election reversal, House Republicans are supporting nearly $450 billion in Medicare cuts that they criticized vigorously last fall after Democrats and President Barack Obama passed them as part of their controversial health care law. The cuts are included in the 2012 budget that Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., unveiled last week and account for a significant share of the $5.8 trillion in claimed savings over the next decade.” Rick Berg... a hypocrite? No one who's ever dealt with him as their landlord would have to wonder. He also voted, right after being elected to the House, to allow insurance companies to deny health insurance to people with pre-existing conditions, a part of ObamaCare that is even popular with Republicans.

Even with all the money Big Business has been dumping into the North Dakota race, polls show that Berg is still losing. Heidi's a real fighter and she's not going to be pushed around by Karl Rove and his financiers. As Attorney General, she took on Big Tobacco and won. When she was diagnosed with cancer-- just two months from election day-- she underwent chemotherapy and she still managed to campaign. The DSCC was smart to back her, even in a tough electoral environment

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