Friday, June 22, 2012

Being Anti "Illegals" Makes You Racist

Yes, it does.

Ran into a repug-hating, Obama-supporting, professed liberal the other day who started foaming at the mouth at the faintest suggestion of immigration reform.

"They broke the law!" in smug superiority. "I have nothing against legal immigrants."

Bullshit. And racism.

Because the only difference between "legal" immigrants and "illegal" immigrants is time and race. Except for a few thousand full-blooded natives, everyone in this country is the descendant of immigrants. And the vast majority of those immigrants arrived before there were legal quotas restricting immigration.

Legal quotas, by the way, that until 1924 never applied to white people.

My immigrant ancestors got here because they accepted deportation to the colonial wilderness as an alternative to being hanged for theft. Almost immediately, they broke the law again by breaking their contract for indentured servitude and fleeing across the mountains. If the authorities could have found them, they would have been hanged, not deported.

I'd say most white Americans have similar fine citizens in their ancestral closets. We have no right to look down on anyone who risked her life to cross the border without papers.

So unless you are full-blooded Native American, Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

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