Thursday, April 12, 2012

"Their ideology is reprehensible to Kentuckians"

I hate it when Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear does something admirable.

From the Herald:

Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear on Wednesday decried plans by the National Socialist Movement, a Michigan-based white pride group, to rally outside the state Capitol later this month.

"The Constitution affords the right to free speech and free assembly to all, and we will respect those rights, even for this Michigan-based hate-filled group," Beshear said in a statement. "This group should know that their ideology is reprehensible to Kentuckians, and that Kentucky is a tolerant, progressive and welcoming state for all people."

According to a flier, the National Socialist Movement said the April 21 event will address "illegal immigration, crime, the recession, White Civil Rights, and other critical issues facing our Nation." It is scheduled to last from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

A phone call to the group's Detroit-based headquarters and an email to Kentucky-based chapters were not returned Wednesday.

It is, of course, not true that neo-Nazi ideology is reprehensible to all Kentuckians, but good on Beshear for shaming those who don't find it reprehensible.

And let's avoid any counter-demonstrations. That's what these publicity-seekers want. Ignore them.

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