Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Repug Voter ID Plan: Show Us Your Penis

Poor repugs. Just when it seemed that the voter-suppression laws passed by repug state legislatures and governors across the country would defeat President Obama by barring virtually all of his supporters from the polls, a new group of Obama-bots emerged: The Vagina People.

Now that not only Democratic women but repug women too are abandoning the Women Aren't Human Party, the GOP has to add them to the list of people who must not be allowed to vote show proper ID before being allowed to vote.

But what particular form of identification requirement will suppress the votes of Gyno-Americans while still allowing Ril (white male Xian) Murkins to vote as often as they want?

Cock displays, of course. In the case of possible fraud by prosthetics or strap-on dildos, precinct officers will be authorized to demand immediate production of urine and/or semen to authenticate a suspicious dick.

Don't laugh. Repugs are already suppressing the female vote.

From The Nation:

It wasn’t easy getting a New York ID, Anderson told me, and she’s concerned chiefly with women like her who might also have troubles getting the ID they need to vote, especially if they’ve been recently married, divorced or if they’ve moved, all of which could lead to name and address mismatches on Election Day.

The new Pennsylvania photo voter ID law is “disenfranchising by design to make voters jump through all these hoops,” said Anderson. “It’s unreasonable that women, with all that’s going on in their lives, will then have time to sit down and Google ‘where do I get my birth certificate,’ ‘where do I find my marriage certificate,’ ‘where to find the closest social security office,’ the hours they’re open, how to get there, and once there do they have all the documents they need.”

Anderson was able to do it, but she is a long-time voting rights advocate, and is trained to know the answers to these questions. But there are many women who are ill-served by the new photo voter ID laws. A Brennan Center for Justice survey shows that ten percent of voting-age Americans don’t have ID with both current name and address on it -- many of those are women whose last names change with marriages, and whose address might change due to separations, divorces or just trying to get away from an abusive spouse situation.

Repugs know it better than Democrats do: When everyone votes, Democrats win. These days, it looks like Democrats can only win when everybody votes.

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