Sunday, April 1, 2012


Steve M at No More Mister Nice Blog:

We also forget that it's extraordinarily difficult to sell a lot of our ideas to heartlanders because the right is usually so fast off the mark. That's because the right has a forty-year head start in employing large numbers of people whose sole task is to make right-wing ideas seem like Mom and apple pie, while making our ideas seem like toxic waste.

Whatever Alter is trying to say, just remember that the right has a well-established, well-funded, high-functioning, forty-year-old Ministry of Information, and we're still way behind in that arms race. Even when it looks as if we've won, we have to keep fighting.

And if the Republicans flame out so badly in November that Democrats not only hold the White House and Senate but win back the House, that Ministry of Information will still be there.

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