Sunday, April 1, 2012

Reject the Roundup Spring

Thanks to Big Oil and Big Coal, we're suffering the earliest spring in memory. "Suffering" because not only did we have to mow the lawn in March, but we're already having to deal with weeds invading the patio, sidewalk and driveway.

Put the Roundup down and back away slowly.

The label is a lie; that shit is deadly.

If you ever turn over a bottle of Roundup, one of the most popular chemical weed killers in the world, you’ll see glyphosate listed as the active ingredient. What you won’t see is a list of inactive ingredients. And that’s problematic. Because researchers who recently (2009) tested the product’s active ingredient in combination with certain inert ones found the combo makes this weed killer much more toxic than previously disclosed. “It’s not as benign as people are led to believe,” says Greg Bowman, editor of the Rodale Institute’s New Farm online publication, which focuses on nontoxic farming methods. And even the listed ingredient may be more dangerous than was previously thought. “More and more studies by medical and agricultural specialists are revealing the subtle, low-level impact that Roundup’s main ingredient, glyphosate, has on wildlife, soil life, and—directly and indirectly—people themselves,” Bowman says.

But you don't have the read the study or even the label. All you have to know is that Roundup is manufactured by Monsanto.

Roundup is, indeed, the least of Monsanto's crimes. I'll be visiting those over the next several days.

But in the meantime, no, you don't have to use toxic chemicals to fertilize your garden or kills weeds or pests. Safe alternatives are plentiful, cheap and not as difficult as you think.

Find out more here.

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