Saturday, March 10, 2012

Why Are We Paying These Motherfuckers Again?

No one begrudges Kentucky state senators a day off to watch the University of Kentucky Wildcats play in the SEC tournament, which began Friday afternoon.

What is unforgivable is senators cobbling together a quorum for a fake session just so they can get their $300 daily pay. For nothing.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:

The state Senate had a difficult time rounding up enough members Friday morning to conduct business on the same day the University of Kentucky basketball team played a tournament game in New Orleans.


When Stine asked the clerk to call the roll, only 19 of the Senate’s 38 members were in the chamber. Senate rules say at least 20 members have to be present to conduct business.

Some Senate leaders and staff immediately began trying to locate another member.

Their work was successful. At 9:42 a.m., Sen. Jimmy Higdon, R-Lebanon, came into the chamber to applause from his colleagues.


Veteran members of the Senate could not recall a delay in the chamber’s work because of a lack of members. Senate Majority Leader Robert Stivers, R-Manchester, acknowledged that it was “unusual.”


After the Senate reached a quorum, the first order of business was to excuse the absent members, who still will get paid. While in session, lawmakers get paid every day, including weekends and holidays. They get $188.22 in salary plus $135.30 for expenses.

The Senate adjourned Friday at 9:48 a.m.

Your repug-majority state senate at work, Kentuckians. Remember this when you go to the polls in November.

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