Friday, March 9, 2012

Let Them Eat Pink Slime

This is how pervasive and successful is the conservative campaign to demonize and turn into sub-humans everyone who is not rich: When I first read about pink slime, my initial reaction was to think that parents should send their children to school with lovingly home-made nutritious lunches.

Me, commiemuslinalinskyiteterrist that I am.

So I stood in front of the mirror and yelled: Hey MORAN! The kids whose parents can afford lovingly home-made nutritious lunches are already eating them. It's the kids of impoverished and working-class parents who must depend on reduced-price and free school lunches for at least one decent meal a day.

So Big Ag gets away with foisting toxic shit - literal toxic shit - on the public schools because non-rich parents don't have the political power to stop them, and the people who have the political power to stop them don't give a shit about anybody who is not rich.

And when years of consuming toxic shit means those kids are unable to get decent jobs and have to turn to crime to survive - well, that's just more profit for the privatized prison industry, which will be the only industry hiring anyone by then anyway.

But don't think not eating school lunch saves you from pink slime. From Zandar:

A former USDA agriculture scientist has come forward to say that 70% of ground beef sold in the US contains ammonia-washed "pink slime" as filler.

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