Saturday, January 28, 2012

"We were sent here to serve the American people."

This isn’t about me. We weren’t sent here to wage perpetual political campaigns against each other. We were sent here to serve the American people. And they deserve better than gridlock and games. One senator gumming up the works for the whole country is certainly not what our founding fathers envisioned.

The truth is, neither party has been blameless in tactics like these. But it’s time for both parties to put an end to them. I’m asking Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, to stop this kind of behavior by passing a rule that allows all judicial and public service nominations a simple up-or-down vote within 90 days.

Yes, Mr. President, it is too about you. You're the ni**er in the White House and they won't stop until you're gone.

And no, both parties are not to blame. You've seen those graphs of the number of filibusters staged by each party and so have we: repugs have staged more in the last three years than Democrats have staged in the last seven decades.

Stop insulting our intelligence, stop pandering to people who will never, ever vote for you, stop pretending there's some "vast middle" of voters you can win over, and get down to the real work of shoving an anti-Wall-Street agenda down the repugs' throats.

Full transcript here.

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