Friday, January 27, 2012

Trust Women: Join the Virtual March

Trust Women was started by the late martyr Dr. John Tiller to support a woman's right to abortion.

Dr. George Tiller was an inspiration to reproductive health care professionals and advocates. We at Trust Women shared his vision of an America where women could, without burden, control their reproductive lives, have healthy pregnancies, and deliver safely.

For many women here in the United States, these basic rights are out of reach. That’s why Trust Women will expand abortion care and maternal health care to tens of thousands of women by opening more clinics.

In every state where we open a clinic, we will create model policy agendas to expand access to care. We will build deep community support for these services and the policy makers who stand up for them.

Trust Women will:

Open clinics that provide abortion and maternal health care; full spectrum reproductive health care.
Build community investment in those clinics.
Create model state public policies to expand abortion care and improve maternal health.

We will do this in the Midwest and the South, where women’s reproductive rights have been limited more than in any other region of the country. We will measure our success by the number of women in this region who can easily access abortion and who have healthy pregnancies and safe deliveries. Period.

During this anniversary week of Roe v. Wade, they are collecting signatures for a "virtual march" on Washington to support abortion rights.

Today is the last day, but they are still short of their goal of 20,000 signatures.

Join the virtual march by clicking here and signing to support the one right from which all other rights for women flow: the right to control her own body.

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