Thursday, December 1, 2011

How Civilized and Rational Nations Handle Polluting Corporations

The Obama administration continues to allow ocean rapist BP to continue to drill for oil and suck up billions in taxpayer subsides while the millions of people along the Gulf Coast die slowly from their BP-poisoned economy.

But not every country in the Americas is that stupid.

From William K. Wolfrum:

There is something odd happening here in Brazil. There is an oil spill – courtesy of Chevron – off the coast here. That’s not the odd part. In fact, it increasingly seems like a normal occurrence. Chevron has thus far lied about the oil spill and has shown a lack of preparation in dealing with it. But there’s nothing strange about that, either.

No, the odd part is this – there are no sectors of Brazilian politics or the media that are rushing to defend Chevron on the oil companies for this spill, nor is the government working to help Chevron’s public relations team. In fact, the Brazilian government is working hard to make Chevron responsible for the spill, which is coming from a leak at more than 1,000 meters below the sea in the Frade oil field off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro.

(Last week), the Brazilian government banned Chevron from drilling in Brazil (all of Chevron’s drilling activities are in the Frade oil field) while the government investigates the reasons for the spill.

Isn't there a World Trade Organization rule preventing democratically-elected governments from persecuting fossil fuel giants?

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