Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Score Another Win for Occupy

As David Dayen explains here, there are an infinite number of ways for congressional Democrats and President Obama to fuck this one up, but until that happens, let's enjoy the victory, however temporary.

Erik Loomis at Lawyers, Guns and Money:

The Republicans have decided to back the payroll tax extension, fearful of being painted as anti-middle class in the coming elections.

As Kos noted in a tweet, there’s no way this happens without Occupy Wall Street. This is concrete evidence of how OWS has changed the discussion in America. Remember 6 months ago? The Republicans were in full ascent, talking tough, showing no compromise, going all-in for the 1%. Now we have recalls in Wisconsin, the irrelevancy of the Tea Party governor in Maine, the repeal of SB-5 in Ohio, and now this. Republicans are starting to run scared. Democrats need to start pushing them hard, keep them on the retreat.

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