Saturday, November 12, 2011

Teabaggers Throw KY GOP an Anchor

Oh, please, teabaggers, would you force Kentucky repugs to be even more self-destructively insane than they are already? Pretty please with sugar on top?

Jack Brammer at the Herald:

Loyalists in Kentucky’s Tea Party movement who helped propel Republican Rand Paul to the U.S. Senate last year say they share no blame for the GOP’s poor showing in Tuesday’s state elections, especially in the race for governor.

Instead, they point to the Republican Party establishment, which they say too often backs and fields candidates who don’t adhere to their call for limited government and fiscal responsibility.

“I’m a registered Republican but my reasoning for Tuesday’s loss is that we saw an establishment candidate, Republican David Williams, get rejected by the Tea Party,” said Lexington conservative radio talk show host Leland Conway. “The establishment part of the Republican Party of Kentucky needs to learn that its candidates have to be true conservatives for the Tea Party to line up behind them and to win.”

Such comments reflect the Tea Party movement’s continuing efforts to gain influence in the Grand Old Party, which dominates the state’s delegation in Washington D.C. but has won Kentucky’s governor’s office only twice since World War II.

A year ago, Republicans in Kentucky were sky-high, celebrating a huge victory by Rand Paul, the Tea Party movement’s favored son. On Saturday, Republicans will gather in Louisville for their traditional Saturday-after-the election leadership with little to cheer about.

Kentucky's four repug congress critters are dug into safe districts. The only thing that could possibly allow a Democratic challenger to dislodge them would be the repug getting primaried by a teabagger or forced by teabaggers to start sounding like Herman Cain or Michelle Bachmann.

There is No. Way. Kentucky Democrats get that lucky.

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