Saturday, November 12, 2011

Seven Days of Occupy Solidarity in Louisville

Sixth and Jefferson in downtown Louisville is going to be the place to be for the next week.

From the Herald:

Members of Occupy Louisville are planning what they call "7 Days of Solidarity," to help the larger community get to know what they stand for.

According to a news release from the group, on Sunday, members will join a march with Louisville Peace Action Community.

On Monday, they will rally with union workers.

On Tuesday, the will protest in support of campaign finance reform.

On Wednesday they will discuss health care reform and protest Humana.

Thursday activities are to be determined.

On Friday, they will help clean up vacant property in a neighborhood hit by foreclosures.

On Saturday, they will have music, family friendly activities and a community potluck.

Find out more about Occupy Louisville here.

What are your local Occupiers doing?

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